
The goal of the “The Little King Jay C. I.” translation project is to become the most translated book on Earth.

That’s why we need your help.

We aim to share our story with the entire world and we welcome everyone to contribute
a new translation which is not already part of our collection.

We have made efforts to choose the official or best available translations, add new translations in popular spoken languages and, most importantly, allow easy access to the translated documents. It should be noted, however, that JCI, although trying to establish an appropriate quality standard, can’t guarantee the quality and correctness of the translations, especially of languages not widely used. Therefore, JCI welcomes any feedback on the content, especially by competent agencies.
If JCI materials and translations are reproduced, the user is asked to make reference to our website as a source by providing a link. Please send suggestions or modifications concerning translations posted on this website to the following address: book@littlkingjci.com